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Transport LEGO second-hand

Detalii produs

Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)

Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
  • Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)

Prețul produsului
729 Lei
Adaugă produsul în coș
1 buc
Descriere scurtă a produsului
Lego Vikings - Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent 7018 (cu catalog)
Caracteristicile produsului
Produs folosit, care poate prezenta mici zgarieturi si urme de uzura.

Produsul este conform pozei.

Fara cutie si catalog!
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